Bard the Bowman: You have no right, no right to enter that mountain!
Thorin Oakenshield: I have the only right


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آخرین ویدئوهای مشاهده شده


Why do you linger in the shadows?

I was coming to report to you.

I thought I ordered that nest
to be destroyed not two moons past.

We cleared...

...the forest as ordered, my lord.
But more spiders keep...

...coming up from the South.

They are spawning in...

...the ruins of Dol Guldur.
If we could kill them at their source...

That fortress lies beyond our borders.

Keep our lands clear of those
foul creatures. That is your task.

And when we drive them off, what then?

Will they not spread to other lands?

Other lands are not my concern.

The fortunes of the world...

...will rise and fall.

But here in this...

...kingdom, we will endure.

Legolas said you fought well today.

He has grown very fond of you.

I assure you, my lord...

...Legolas thinks of me as
no more than a captain of the guard.

Perhaps he did once.

Now I am not so sure.

I do not think you would allow your son... pledge himself to a lowly Silvan Elf.

No, you are right. I would not.

Still, he cares about you.

Do not give him hope where there is none.



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