Dori: Was that an earthquake?
Balin: That, my lad, was a dragon. 


ویدئوهای مشابه

آخرین ویدئوهای مشاهده شده


A Dwarvish windlance.

You look like...'ve seen a ghost.

He has.

The last time we saw...

...such a weapon...

...a city was on fire.

It was the day the dragon came.


The day that Smaug...

...destroyed Dale.

Girion, the Lord of the City...

...rallied his bowmen... fire upon the beast.

But a dragon's hide is tough.

Tougher than the strongest armor.

Only a Black Arrow fired from a windlance...

...could have pierced the dragon's hide.

And few of those..

...arrows were ever made.

The store was running low...

...when Girion...

...made his last stand.

Had the aim of Men been true that day...

...much would have been different.

You speak as if you were there.

All Dwarves know the tale.

Then you would know
that Girion hit the dragon.

He loosened a scale under the left wing.

One more shot and
he would have killed the beast.


That's a fairy story, lad.

Nothing more.



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