Sam: That's for Frodo! And for the Shire! *And that's for my old Gaffer!


ویدئوهای مشابه

آخرین ویدئوهای مشاهده شده


The darkness is deepening.
If Sauron had the Ring,
we would know it.
It's only a matter of time.
He has suffered a defeat, yes...
...but behind the walls of Mordor,
our enemy is regrouping.
Let him stay there.
Let him rot! Why should we care?
Because 10,000 Orcs now stand
between Frodo and Mount Doom.
I've sent him to his death.
There is still hope for Frodo.
He needs time and safe passage
across the plains of Gorgoroth.
- We can give him that.
- How?
Draw out Sauron's armies.
Empty his lands.
Then we gather our full strength
and march on the Black Gate.
We cannot achieve victory
through strength of arms.
Not for ourselves.
But we can give Frodo his chance
if we keep Sauron's Eye fixed upon us.
Keep him blind to all else that moves.
A diversion.
Certainty of death...
...small chance of success...
...what are we waiting for?
Sauron will suspect a trap.
He will not take the bait.
Oh, I think he will.


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